Harassment and Hostile Work Environment

Workers have the right to be free from unlawful harassment at work. Oftentimes unlawful harassment is a precursor to unlawful termination. An employer may continue to harass an employee until they either submit to the treatment or leave. If an employee complains about the harassment then the employer may retaliate by firing the employee, which may also be unlawful. What are your rights both during the harassment and after your employer fires you for not submitting to it?

Van Hall Employment Law can consult with you to explain your state and federal rights to be free from unlawful workplace harassment. If you are still employed then we can send a demand letter to try and stop the unlawful harassment before holding your employer accountable for what they have already done. If you have already been terminated then we can help you understand whether you have an unlawful termination claim and what damages you may be entitled to.

You have the right to be free from harassment and a hostile work environment. We can help enforce that right.