Americans with Disabilities Act
Many people have heard of the Americans with Disabilities Act but are not sure what it actually protects.
Amongst other things, the Americans with Disabilities Act requires government services, programs, and activities to provide equal access to individuals with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act also applies to places of public accommodations, which includes most businesses.
Governments and businesses that are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act are also required to make reasonable accommodations to ensure that disabled individuals have equal access to their services.
Common violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act may include buildings that do not have adequate disabled parking or wheelchair access. It can also include denying somebody with a service dog from entering into a building that does not allow animals.
But violations of the ADA do not always include denying somebody access to a building. It may also include a government or business not having a website that is accessible to the seeing impaired, or not providing sign language interpreters for hearing impaired individuals at government proceedings.
Some common claims we can handle are:
Refusing service animals.
Not having adequate disabled parking or wheelchair access.
Denying service or accommodations based on a disability.
Websites that are not accessible to the seeing impaired.
Government proceedings that do not provide sign language interpreters.